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Top 10 points of interest & tourist attractions in Fort Dauphin, Toliara area

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Fort Dauphin travel guide

Fort Dauphin Review

Tôlanaro or Tolagnaro is a city (commune urbaine) in Madagascar. It is the capital of the Anosy region, of the Tôlanaro district, and is in the former Toliara Province. It has a port of local importance, and a new port has been built at Ehoala (...) (from Wikipedia)


Fort Dauphin Trips

From Trip: Madagascar
By: Jeszh

Berenty Private Reserve—Berenty Reserve, owned and meticulously maintained by the de Heaulme family, is a fine place to enjoy at close range many of Madagascarʼs birds and especially its Ring-tailed and Red-fronted lemurs and Verreauxʼs Sifakas. The reserve consists of 250 acres of deciduous gallery forest along the Mandrare River and many acres of spiny forest, all contained within an active sisal (Agave) estate. Several trails crisscross the gallery forest, and many of the widely distributed Madagascar specialties occur here, including the monotypic Cuckoo-Roller, a large bird with a hauntingly beautiful song that can often be seen performing its graceful, swooping display flights over the forest. Another birding highlight is finding the huge, terrestrial Giant Couas, often striding across the trails and quite tame. This is one of the better locales for Madagascar Sandgrouse, Madagascar Cuckoo-Hawk, and Hook-billed Vanga, and Madagascar Paradise-Flycatcher is pleasantly common. By night weʼll seek two of the islandʼs endemic owls, Torotoroka Scops, and White-browed, both of which frequently call right behind our accommodations. The tall gallery forest contains hundreds of Ring-tailed and Red-fronted lemurs as well as several troops of the nearly all-white Verreauxʼs Sifaka—at three feet, one of the largest of the surviving lemurs. It is a delightful experience to be able to walk among so many birds and mammals that are unafraid of people. Andohahela NP - At the western edge of the park, the rainfall is just 600 to 700mm per year and the resulting vegetation is a dry spiny forest characteristic of southern Madagascar. In the area between these two climatic extremes is a unique transitional forest known as the Ranopiso transition, which is characterised by the locally endemic triangular palm, Dypsis decaryi. The variety of habitats within Andohahela is mirrored in the richness of species that are found there. Fifteen species of lemur have been recorded, including two of Madagascar's most emblematic species, the Ring-tailed Lemur and Verreaux's Sifaka. Detailed information on arranging trips is available from the tourism information office or from the Madagascar National Parks Association (PNM-ANGAP)office in Tolagnaro. Libanona Beach Old Port





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