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Top 10 points of interest & tourist attractions in Teplice nad Metuji, Hradec Kralove area

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Teplice nad Metuji Travel Guide: Tourist attractions on map • Journey & Trip reviews • Vacation & Resort deals

Teplice nad Metuji travel guide

Teplice nad Metuji Review

Teplice nad Metují is a small town in the Hradec Králové Region of the Czech Republic. It has around 1,800 inhabitants. Villages and hamlets Bohdašín, Dědov, Dolní Teplice, Horní Teplice, Javor, Lachov, Skály and Zdoňov are administrative parts of Teplice nad Metují. (...) (from Wikipedia)


Teplice nad Metuji Trips

From Trip: Tsehhi-Austria tuur
By: AhkoAhtijäinen

jalutuskäik mägede vahelisel matkarajal.
ööbimine lähedal Penzion Zeverka
Střmenské podhradí 183, Teplice nad Metují, 54957, Tšehhi Vabariik
(Telefon: +420722929126





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