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The Palais des Papes (lo Palais dei Papas in Occitan) is a historical palace in Avignon, southern France, one of the largest and most important medieval Gothic buildings in Europe. Since 1995, the palais des Papes is classified with the historic center of Avignon, on the World Heritage Site of the (...) (from Wikipedia).

This vast complex is a far cry from the ornate glory of the Vatican, but it’s striking and splendid in its own way. Sober and imposing, with halls, chapels and most illuminating of all, a heavily guarded treasury, a visit to the Palais des Papes emphasizes the power of the church during the Middle Ages.
Address: Palais des Papes, Place du Palais, 84000 Avignon.
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Point of interest trips content

From Trip: A week in Provence
By: yoel
In the center of town, don’t miss the Palais des Papes (a former papal palace)



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