Japan, Gifu Prefecture, Takayama (Hida-Takayama) trip planner. Plan your travel route on map, share with your friends and family & find great vacation deals to Takayama with Voyajo

Destination creator (Voyajo Team)

Takayama (高山市 Takayama-shi?) is a city located in Gifu, Japan. As of July, 2011 the city has an estimated population of 92,369. The total area is 2,177.67 km2 (840.80 sq mi). Takayama was settled as far back as the Jōmon period. Takayama is best known for its inhabitants' expertise in carpentry. It is believed carpenters from Takayama worked on the Imperial Palace in Kyoto and on many of the temples in Kyoto and Nara. The town and its culture, as they exist today, took shape at the end of the 16th century, when the Kanamori clan built Takayama Castle. About a hundred years later the city came under the rule of the Tokugawa shogunate. However, the high altitude and separation from other areas of Japan kept the area fairly isolated, allowing Takayama to develop its own culture over about a 300-year period. (...) (from Wikipedia)


Destination trips content

From Trip: Jasons Wedding
By: Hass58

  • Takayama Castle
  • Hida Minzoku Mura Folk Village
  • Minashi Shrine



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